
#productcalculation #pricing #adapttothemarket #businessintelligence

During my career I had the opportunity to design & implement two times a global product cost calculation in an ERP. I witnessed also many already implemented systems or the lack thereof.


Here is my very general thinking on the issue.

#tradestatistics #tradeinvalueadded #oecd #businessintelligence

One step further in understanding international Trade.

#accounting #controlling #reporting #management #generalist

A classical topic from a complementary perspective.


#marketmaps #management #datascience #geospatial #googleapi #ipyleaflet #crm #python

The major theme is:  Show your market data on a map. 

Do not just collect data in your CRM but use to the fullest extend reasonable. 

Quite likely you will see something on the map, which did not catch your attention while looking at data tables.

#businesscontrolling #focusshift #innovation #market

Here I advocate that the finance function invests more time into the Market & Sales perspective as well as the Innovation perspective.




#controlling #economycontrol #engineeringcontrol

Controlling the function which controls.

As an engineer and economist I shall be entitled to broaden the field a bit.

In order to control something you need to make measurements first. Secondly you need to compare the measurement against  a target. Depending on the variance from measurement to target an intervention is issued to bring the something towards the target.

#datascience #machinelearning #management #tinyml #edX

While the success of “Data minded” companies who have seen data as an asset which is worthwhile investing resources into is well known, also more traditional companies especially in the B2C business apply Data Science in order to gain a competitive advantage. 

But can we use it also in more B2B oriented companies (e.g. environments which generate much less marketing data)? 

Shall Management understand the fundamental concepts ?

#datascience #machinelearning #mnist

Just an example of data science which shows, what kind of things can be seen as data and which transformation is necessary so that the machine can learn from these data.

The fun quiz is if you can guess the solution path?

At the same time it is an illustration of a problem which is difficult to solve with classical programming.

#democracy #freedom #transformationtofreedom #freedomhouse #idea #unitednations #worldbank

While advancing in age and experience we often have the feeling that nothing other than technology develops much further. Thankfully Hans Rosling showed especially the citizens of the rich countries that in the past decades there has been a fantastic development regarding Wealth & Health in almost all countries mainly in 2nd and 3rd world.

But what happened to the freedom, what happened to democracy?

Did we advance?  A data driven analysis.

The animations shows that the top GDP per Capita countries are almost all Free Countries. But China is on the fast path to conquer this group. This raises the question: Can China unleash its potential without shifting to more freedom ?

All countries increased the GDP, India surpassed many countries, however China is the biggest GDP-Success story. In comparison Russia developed poorly which shows that there is still a great potential to be lifted and at the same time makes China’s success even greater.

Eventually China is already in practice more free than the Freedom House reports / we understand in the Western World.

#forecasts #forecasting #matlab #machinelearning #python #excel #controlling #management

Recently I finished a course from the IMF for central bankers and other interested parties on “Model Based Monetary Policy Analysis and forecasting” and I found the approach to forecasting intriguing in comparison to one in Standard Business. I can wholeheartedly recommend that edX course for everyone not afraid of some mathematics and programming.

#jameswebbspacetelescope #spacetelescope #spacescience

James Webb is the hot topic of the moment, world famous is the Hubble telescope. Here we do some space telescope counting and do have  a look at some basic information about them.

The IMF published a couple of days ago their forecast on the economic recovery after the heavy COVID19 recession. What hit my eye, has been the fast recovery of China in 2 quarters, whereas the rest being a) the advanced economies and b) the emerging countries will require 2 years / 8 quarters or 4 times as much for the same exercise. The one thought hitting my mind was.

Can that be?